Kamirose Emotes

love rage feels lewd lurk
love-2x rage-2x feels-2x lewd-2x lurk-2x
love-4x rage-4x feels-4x lewd-4x lurk-4x

These are BTTV emotes for my channel on Twitch.

The biggest challenge for these was the fact that they were of me. I’m one of those people that dislikes seeing pictures of themselves, so having to stare at (a representation of) my face for the amount of time it took to create the emotes was a bit awkward.

On top of that, I had to capture the feeling of my own community. It’s one thing to make emotes for another channel, where it’s the commissioner’s responsibility to let me know what they think will capture them and their community best, but to make emotes for myself was a whole different ballpark.

Of course I needed a heart emote with the heart extremely pixellated. As a pixel artist who does art on cast, ‘pixels’ are the theme of the channel. Next is the rage emote. I do get fairly salty during tedious or difficult sections of games, which has me show that face a time or two during the cast. The “thump,” or sad, emote was another easy theme to come up with, as I’m someone who cries very easily during emotional portions of games (or movies, books, TV shows, etc). And as someone with a, shall we say, PG-13+ sense of humor, the “lewd” emote was also pretty obvious.

⇒ Fun fact: “kamiRage” was the first emote someone requested in the channel, back when I had around 100 followers!

The only emote in the set where the theme was not “obvious” was  the “lurk” emote. I couldn’t think of the final emote, so I decided to do a lurk emote as a temporary one (it’s just the lewd emote scooted down, with a quick edit on the glasses), but I do think that it’s a solid part of the set now, so I don’t think I’ll be changing it any time soon.

All in all, I’m quite happy with how these turned out!